Environmental studies during the 20th century introduced the term biosphere in relation to the interconnection of the Earth’s biological and physical elements. The results of such studies revealed that the degradation of the biosphere through centuries has destroyed ecosystems that resulted in the loss of many living organisms, including human lives.

Scientific studies have shown how living organisms, particularly humankind depend on the environment for their survival and continued existence in a global ecosystem that undergo natural processes through ages. However mankind’s many activities produced toxic elements that led to the degradation of the atmosphere, lithosphere (land surface) and the hydrosphere (water surface).

Mankind beng the highest level of organism interacting in the global ecosystem showed full appreciation for the elements supporting the biosphere, only after the ecological systems could no longer fully provide the natural energy and nutrients needed by all living organisms.

What Exactly is the Meaning of Biosphere?

Biosphere is the entire representation of all planetary spheres or layers making up the environment in which all living and nonliving organisms exist interconnectedly. This denotes that any failure or inability of one or more layers to function properly can also lead to the destruction of ecosystems.

The concentration of harmful greenhouses gasses produced by man has impacted the atmosphere, boring a hole in its ozone layer which functions as an umbrella-like shield against the extreme heat of the UV rays radiated by the sun. The lack of protection exposed humankind to ultra violet (UV) radiations, which scientists account as the main cause of skin cancer.

How Harmful Gasses Led to the Degradation of the Biosphere

The ozone layer could have helped clear away the pollution caused by the gasses but due to its faulty condition and mankind’s continuous emissions of harmful gasses, it allowed a massive accumulation of greenhouse gasses we all know of as smog. Smog has also impacted human health as great amounts of polluted air have led to the development of severe respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Asthma commonly occurs in children as their respiratory systems are unable to fight the effects of air pollution.

The polluted air also remains trapped between the layers of atmosphere, keeping much of the heat brought in by the UV rays within the biosphere. Throughout the past centuries since the age of industrialization, the levels of heat trapped inside the Earth’s atmosphere resulted in the phenomenon that scientists “global warming.” Scientists have tried to communicate to their respective governments the potential devastating effects of “global warming’ on the environment, specifically on the hydrosphere and the lithosphere.

Unfortunately, many ignored the warnings which eventually caused the climate changes that mankind is now experiencing. The effects of which have resulted in more severe forms of natural weather disturbances that have brought super strong winds, torrential downpours, massive flooding, heat wave and similar destructive occurrences. Many of which have destroyed many ecological systems existing in the biosphere, including mankind’s own ecosystem.

While all elements, substances and occurrences that have been adversely affecting the biosphere cannot be a mentioned in a single-page, the goal is to explain in part why human health is likewise gradually deteriorating. Up to the present, many think that “climate change and the movements to address its effects are all part of a hoax to promote the so-called “green products; as well as discourage the use of fossil fuel and its harmful by-products. .

As an aside, we wish to make mention that this article was created through the sponsorship of apetamin, a supplement that not only acts as an antihistamine to certain allergic reactions against certain toxic elements occurring in the environment. As a supplement, apetamin has also been proven to promote weight gain in relation to the treatment of anorexia. However, we leave advice to readers to first consult with their physician as the supplement is also know to have certain temporary side effects like the lowering one’s metabolic rate, drowsiness and hunger. ,