Your Dream, Your Life – Https://تفسير-حلم-2/ 

When a person is asleep, the brain can involuntarily create a series of images, thoughts, feelings, or sensations. This succession of mental images, visions, or activity is known by all as “dreams.”  

Amazingly, even when we are asleep and where the mind is in an unconscious state, we are able to remember, sometimes very vividly, some of our dreams. This is because our brain becomes conscious only at a certain extent and level, that it only registers what it creates while in that state. Perhaps this can also explain why some can recall only a little detail of their dream and some don’t remember anything at all. 

Interpreting Dreams Based On Your Life 

While there are theories and speculations, scientists are still bewildered as to why we dream, how we dream, and if it is possible to control them. While it is interesting to know the answers to those questions, people seem to be more interested in knowing the hidden meaning of dreams, whether in a logical or mystical perspective.

Dream interpreters are guided by ancient sciences and spiritual sciences to give insightful interpretations of dreams. But, their interpretation of a dream is not a one-size-fits-all, which means even if two people have a similar dream, the interpretation of one will not be true or the same for the other person.

Dream interpreters ofتفسير-حلم-2/ have learned to decipher and read dreams from their ancestors as well as from books of knowledge, which have taken them many years of prudent study. With this knowledge, they carefully analyze relevant details from your personal life (which you will be asked to provide), giving them a clearer context to decrypt and give rational meaning to your dream.

It does make sense to interpret a dream based on some details of the person’s personal life since there are factors in both a person’s outside environment and inner environment that influence dreams. When it comes to our inner environment, our psychological state is a factor influencing our dreams. For instance, the colors that we see when we dream seem to be affected when the person is depressed. Muted colors are linked to depression, so one can interpret that dreams in black and white or in gray shades could indicate depression.


Environmental Factors that can Make Your Pets Sick

We frequently spend more time outside, pick up new hobbies, and conduct some spring cleaning as the weather gets warmer. Sadly, several of these activities could endanger the safety of pets. Let’s examine a few environmental hazards that can irritate pets both inside and outside.


Although allergies in dogs and cats typically worsen in the spring and summer, they can eventually become a year-round issue. Itching is the most prevalent sign of allergies in both dogs and cats, especially food or tomatoes allergies. The gnawing, rubbing, and scratching can cause sores, skin and ear infections, hair loss, and other problems. Of course, other illnesses can also cause itching in pets, so it’s important to consult a doctor before beginning treatment.


All kinds of pet safety hazards, like as oil, gas, antifreeze, pesticides, and herbicides, can be found in puddles. Additionally, diseases like the bacteria that cause leptospirosis, which can result in liver and kidney failure, may thrive in puddles. Pets who consume contaminated water or who have the germs enter their bodies through skin cracks acquire leptospirosis.

Once a pollen allergy has been identified, keeping windows closed (if practical) and regularly bathing your pet can lessen their exposure to the irritant. Supplements and medications that strengthen the body’s natural skin barrier, control the immune system, and lessen itching may also be required. Another promising option is hyposensitization therapy using repeated injections or oral drops.


The stubbly seeds on some varieties of grass are referred to as foxtails (also known as grass awns). They have the ability to enter the skin and spread throughout the body, as well as get trapped in a pet’s coat, eyes, ears, or nose. The likelihood of issues caused by foxtails in pets is higher when they frequently travel through tall grass.

The signs of foxtail infection might vary depending on where it has lodged, but they frequently include frequent coughing, red, watery eyes, and slow-healing skin lesions. A veterinarian will have to find the foxtail, remove it, and take care of the tissue injury and illness it brought on.

Calls for Unified Federal Response in Addressing Worsening Wildfire Pollution

Recently, the American Thoracic Society published a report to support calls for a unified federal response in addressing effects of wildfire smoke exposure.

The Respiratory Impacts of Wildland Fire Smoke report was released In anticipation of a wildfire season largely expected to be among the worst to take place. It calls for further federal investment in wildfire research to include not only on the effects of smoke exposure, but also in forecasting, to allow for the evaluation of interventions, as well as to provide a coordinated and clear strategy for communication strategy as means to protect public health.

The research authors found that despite the known public health impact, many, including physicians, lack appreciation in having awareness of the consequences and health risks of wildfire exposure. According to the report’s lead author Dr. Mary Rice MPH, a pulmonologist who is into studying pollution and its resulting respiratory health effects, wildland fires diffuse complex mixtures of harmful gasses and particles into the atmosphere.

The Call is for a Coordinated Approach Across Federal Agencies

Based on their findings, the American Thoracic Society is calling for a coordinated approach across federal agencies toward the assessment and development of strategies in managing the adverse health effects of wildland fires and the resulting smoke.

Dr. Rice explained that when wildfire smoke is inhaled, the potential health effects to the heart and lungs are in terms of frequent asthma attacks and other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) that cause breathing-related problems due to airflow blockage. Such breathing disorders could result in higher mortality during wildfire smoke events.

Dan Costa, a Doctor of Science (ScD), and co-author of the report added that wildfire air pollution crosses borders and economic jurisdictions, which makes it important for the federal government to fill the knowledge gap by way of dedicated research. Federal research support should include not only assessments of toxicity levels but also interventions and development of models for fire management.

Biosphere Degradation and Loss of Living Organisms, Including Human Lives

Environmental studies during the 20th century introduced the term biosphere in relation to the interconnection of the Earth’s biological and physical elements. The results of such studies revealed that the degradation of the biosphere through centuries has destroyed ecosystems that resulted in the loss of many living organisms, including human lives.

Scientific studies have shown how living organisms, particularly humankind depend on the environment for their survival and continued existence in a global ecosystem that undergo natural processes through ages. However mankind’s many activities produced toxic elements that led to the degradation of the atmosphere, lithosphere (land surface) and the hydrosphere (water surface).

Mankind beng the highest level of organism interacting in the global ecosystem showed full appreciation for the elements supporting the biosphere, only after the ecological systems could no longer fully provide the natural energy and nutrients needed by all living organisms.

What Exactly is the Meaning of Biosphere?

Biosphere is the entire representation of all planetary spheres or layers making up the environment in which all living and nonliving organisms exist interconnectedly. This denotes that any failure or inability of one or more layers to function properly can also lead to the destruction of ecosystems.

The concentration of harmful greenhouses gasses produced by man has impacted the atmosphere, boring a hole in its ozone layer which functions as an umbrella-like shield against the extreme heat of the UV rays radiated by the sun. The lack of protection exposed humankind to ultra violet (UV) radiations, which scientists account as the main cause of skin cancer.

How Harmful Gasses Led to the Degradation of the Biosphere

The ozone layer could have helped clear away the pollution caused by the gasses but due to its faulty condition and mankind’s continuous emissions of harmful gasses, it allowed a massive accumulation of greenhouse gasses we all know of as smog. Smog has also impacted human health as great amounts of polluted air have led to the development of severe respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Asthma commonly occurs in children as their respiratory systems are unable to fight the effects of air pollution.

The polluted air also remains trapped between the layers of atmosphere, keeping much of the heat brought in by the UV rays within the biosphere. Throughout the past centuries since the age of industrialization, the levels of heat trapped inside the Earth’s atmosphere resulted in the phenomenon that scientists “global warming.” Scientists have tried to communicate to their respective governments the potential devastating effects of “global warming’ on the environment, specifically on the hydrosphere and the lithosphere.

Unfortunately, many ignored the warnings which eventually caused the climate changes that mankind is now experiencing. The effects of which have resulted in more severe forms of natural weather disturbances that have brought super strong winds, torrential downpours, massive flooding, heat wave and similar destructive occurrences. Many of which have destroyed many ecological systems existing in the biosphere, including mankind’s own ecosystem.

While all elements, substances and occurrences that have been adversely affecting the biosphere cannot be a mentioned in a single-page, the goal is to explain in part why human health is likewise gradually deteriorating. Up to the present, many think that “climate change and the movements to address its effects are all part of a hoax to promote the so-called “green products; as well as discourage the use of fossil fuel and its harmful by-products. .

As an aside, we wish to make mention that this article was created through the sponsorship of apetamin, a supplement that not only acts as an antihistamine to certain allergic reactions against certain toxic elements occurring in the environment. As a supplement, apetamin has also been proven to promote weight gain in relation to the treatment of anorexia. However, we leave advice to readers to first consult with their physician as the supplement is also know to have certain temporary side effects like the lowering one’s metabolic rate, drowsiness and hunger. ,

How to Make Your Workout More Eco-Friendly

For a lot of people, getting in a great workout on a regular basis is difficult enough, let alone ensuring it is also helpful to the environment. While mixing the best of both worlds seems hard, there are ways you can produce an eco-friendly workout program without too much struggle. From exercising at home to enjoy the splendor of the outdoors, here are some ways you can enhance the environment and your general well being.

If you reside in an area that is not feasible to outdoor exercises or if the weather is not good, you can always opt for an eco-friendly workout inside your home. All you need is a small space to stretch out and a great plan. If you are not sure where to start, there are several form of exercise programs online that are personalized to every experience level.

Essential Amino Acids Explained – Its Roles And Functions

Essential amino acids – You’ve heard of it, but do you know what they are?

The human body needs amino acids which are the proteins’ building blocks. Our body connects together these amino acids in such a way that it builds proteins. Changing a single amino acid in a protein would create another protein which would have another function as well.

Proteins are structures that are quite complex and are found in each cell of our body. Moreover, they make up our organs, muscles, and our immune system. Hence, we need more amino acids for more different proteins for our body to function right and properly.

Essential Amino Acids Explained

There are 20 amino acids which are all imperative for the body to have. However, only 9 of the 20 amino acids are categorized as “essential” as our body cannot produce them on its own. As they are “essential”, we need to get these amino acids from certain foods or from Essential Amino Acid (EAA) supplements.

Essential amino acids explained. Below are the 9 essential amino acids and the varied and crucial role they play in our body for it to function right, better and well:

  • HISTIDINE is utilized to yield histamine. This neurotransmitter is imperative to our digestion, immune response, sexual function as well as to our sleep-wake cycles. Additionally, this amino acid is crucial to maintain the protective barrier, called myelin sheath, that surrounds our nerve cells
  • ISOLEUCINE is relevant to our muscle metabolism. It is heavily focused in the muscle tissue and helps in the production of hemoglobin, crucial for our immune function, and regulation of energy.
  • LEUCINE is vital for muscle repair as well as protein synthesis. Moreover, leucine aids in regulating the sugar levels in the blood, production of growth hormones, and accelerates wound healing.
  • LYSINE has a major role to play in terms of protein synthesis, production of enzymes and hormones and in calcium absorption. Also, lysine is vital for the production of energy, proper function of our immune system and in the production of elastin and collagen.
  • METHIONINE, in terms of metabolism as well as detoxification, plays a very significant part. It is crucial and needed for tissue growth as well as in the absorption of minerals, selenium and zinc which are imperative to our health.
  • PHENYLALANINE is an antecedent for dopamine, tyrosine, norepinephrine and epinephrine which are all neurotransmitters. This essential amino acid plays a fundamental role in the composition and function of various enzymes and proteins and enzymes as well as the in other amino acids’ production.
  • THREONINE is a major component to the structure of proteins like elastin and collagen, which are imperative constituents of the connective and skin tissue. Threonine plays a part the functon of our immunes system and fat metabolism as well.
  • TRYPTOPHAN is frequently linked with drowsiness, however this amino acid has a lot of other important functions such as in the maintenance of the proper balance of nitrogen. It is also precursor to neurotransmitter serotonin which regulates our mood, sleep and appetite.
  • VALINE aids in the growth and regeneration of our muscles and plays a role in the production of energy.

Why the “Green New Deal” is More than Just a Climate Change Proposal

Many perceive the “Green New Deal (GND)” as just another political ideology being pushed by Democrats as legislative action to battle the effects of climate change. Yet a closer look at what GND authors Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) penned down as resolutions include helping the underserved members of American communities.

It acknowledges that the effects of climate change gravely impact the low income sector; comprising those who do not qualify for higher-paying jobs, the indigenous refugees, the poor people of color and other socially oppressed members of communities. It brings into focus that their homes or makeshift shelters are not adequately protected against stronger and more violent weather disturbances; or even in times of epidemic outbreaks as had been demonstrated in the still ongoing COVID-19.

Rep. AOC and Sen. Markey’s GND is described as a comprehensive re-introduction of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s domestic programs, as ways of helping the people go through the Great Depression. Yet it also reminds many that the term “Green New Deal” was coined by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist named Thomas Friedman

The Origin of the “Green New Deal” Title

In 2007, at the time when America started experiencing unusually hotter periods, journalist Thomas Friedman who wrote for The New York Times, had revived the principles of FDR’s programs in one of his op-eds. He argued for the implementation of similar initiatives, and had described his recommendations as a set of “Green New Deal.

Friedman wrote:

“If you have put a windmill in your yard or some solar panels on your roof, bless your heart. But we will only green the world when we change the very nature of the electricity grid—moving it away from dirty coal or oil to clean coal and renewables.”

From then on, a reference to the “Green New Deal” denoted diverse sets of policies founded on goals of making systemic changes. However, Friedman was not as optimistic over his GND advocacies. He was aware that aside from substantial funding and concerted efforts, it also means upsetting some industries; particularly those traditionally counted upon as political campaign donors. As expected, Friedman’s call for legislative actions in support of his “Green New Deal” did not pick up steam.

AOC brought back the Green New Deal when she made it the focal point of her 2018 candidacy. She became the strongest voice of the grassroots organization The Sunshine Movement, which has been actively calling on Trump’s government to address climate change. Mainly because its adverse effects continue to degrade and impoverish about 60% of the American people.

AOC’s “Green New Deal” : A Political Tool

AOC’s “Green New Deal” is touted as the most ambitious and at the same time most comprehensive set of climate change proposals. Unfortunately, its arrival in Congress came at the time when the Republicans who dominated the Upper House was not open to working on bipartisan legislation.

Currently, the “Green New Deal” represents more than just a set of environmental, economic and social changes that aim to serve the people of a democratic nation. Today, it is also a political tool that can influence American voters when they decide who to elect as legislators and president in the forthcoming general elections in November 2020.

COVID-19 : Caused by Hybrid of Bat and Pangolin Viruses

Research work undertaken by a team of scientists from different universities, was able to trace the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on a genetic analysis of the viruses, they arrived at a conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 infectious disease was a hybrid of bat and pangolin viruses.

Scientist and researchers from the New York University, the Duke University, the University of Texas at El Paso and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, found out that the coronavirus strain that infects bats had exchanged genes with the coronavirus strain that infects pangolin. The merger produced SARS-CoV-2, a hybrid virus that made direct infections possible on humans.

What Makes the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Different from Earlier Coronaviruses

Where the first SARS virus shifted from bats to civets, and the MERS were transmissions between bats and dromedary camels, the bat-pangolin SARS-CoV-2 virus, developed a genetic material that enabled the strain to directly infect humans.

The explanation was provided by Feng Gao, M.D. a professor of Medicine at Duke University’s Division of Infectious Diseases and School of Medicine; being the author of the study published online in the Science Advances journal last May 29, 2020. .

The Study Demonstrates Proof of Pangolin Virus’ Role in the Emergence of a New Coronavirus


According to Dr. Gao, a genetic analysis of the novel coronavirus confirmed that the pangolin coronavirus was the closest relative to the virus! but different from the typical pangolin virus strain that does not cause direct infection to humans.

However, Dr. Gao said they found a receptor-binding site, which is part of the spike protein that enables the novel coronavirus to bind to the cell membrane. The binding site made it possible for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to attach to a cell surface protein found abundant in the cells of human respiratory, intestinal epithelia and kidney organs.

He added that on its own, Pangolin coronavirus cannot efficiently infect humans. Yet its bat coronavirus ancestor allowed it to create a different binding site.

Elena Giorgi, co-lead author and staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory said that others have already examined the sequences of the Pangolin coronavirus before. Still, half of the scientific community still had reservations about the role it played in the development of the novel coronavirus

Ms. Giorgi said

“In our study, we showed proof that there was indeed a rich history in the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We were able to demonstrate that the viruses evolved through the reshuffling of genetic material between the coronaviruses of bats and pangolins, before the novel coronavirus acquired the ability to jump to humans and infect human cells.”

Are dehumidifiers environmentally friendly?

The air we breathe is charged with water vapor. High humidity can cause problems for our habitat. It can damage the walls and furniture of the house. But also, harm the health of people. Causing some of the breathing problems, especially for those who suffer from lung problems. The best solution to remedy this is to have an air dehumidifier at home.

What is an air dehumidifier for?

An air dehumidifier is a device that lowers the humidity in the air and prevents the appearance of mold. It is very necessary to have it, especially in poorly insulated houses. It is used to improve the air quality of our habitat. This device operates on the principle of condensation or absorption. To do this, it sucks in the humid air from the room, and the latter passes through a filter which rids it of its impurities. On the other hand, it separates the water from the air, cools the latter, and dries it until condensation, then pours the recovered water into a tank that must be emptied constantly.

There are two models of the dehumidifier. The one with a condensation system, and the one with an absorption system. In the first, a fan draws in air, passes through an evaporator which cools it and dries it so that it comes out with ambient temperature. The moisture collected in a tank is evacuated to the drain.

How to choose an air dehumidifier?

There are various models of air dehumidifiers. Ranging from the smallest to the largest, with more or fewer options. Even researchers today are working on the development of these models, especially with regard to ecological models. Whether they are energy-saving or environmentally friendly, they are all ecological.

Choose a dehumidifier and air conditioner combo in preparation for the humid summer heat.

Their main role is to reduce the humidity in the air. First, this device does not consume much electricity.  This allows us to save energy, on our bill, but also, to protect our environment. Then, it cleans the polluted air inside the house, eliminating impurities and spores present in the air, thanks to the filter.

Humidity is the reason for the appearance of fungi and molds, which are the cause of the proliferation of germs and microbes inside the house. This is detrimental to the health of the people who live there. For this, when purchasing this device, many criteria must be taken into account :

  • The use of an ecological refrigerant if you choose an air dehumidifier that works on the basis of condensation.
  • Also, choose an air dehumidifier that has a high-performance air filter to properly filter moist air.
  • Finally, opt for a model that has a programmable timer that will allow better control of energy consumption.


Changing Ecosystems : Root Cause of Emerging Diseases

More than a decade ago, medical researchers had already warned that changing ecosystems will influence the emergence of infectious diseases like Covid-19.

In a report entitled “Microbial Threats to Health” published in 2003 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), researchers said that as mankind continue in the 20th century with economic developments, polluted air, altered land use and contaminated freshwater sources will bring on transformations in the natural environment; causing changes in ecosystems that will also impact the ecology of microbes, organisms and pathogens, either individually or collectively.

True enough, as a result of those changes, the climate and weather also changed, while life on Earth was impacted by numerous environmental catastrophes and emergence of several new infectious diseases. Combined with economic developments related to commerce and international travel, the emerging and re-emerging strains of viruses allowed contagions to spread and be transmitted globally; infecting populations at pandemic level.

The WHO Gave Proof to Earlier Claims of Infectious-Disease Researchers

Claims made in the 2003 IOM report were provided with evidence in the 2007 report of the World Health Organization (WHO). Based on WHO researchers’ studies of data gathered since the 1970s, they reported that as many as 40 infectious diseases had been discovered. The list included the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), ebola, avian flu, swine flu, H1N1 and other similar life-threatening infectious diseases that had spread epidemically and threatened many nations.

Today, the WHO reports of the novel coronavirus labeled as SARS-2 COVID-19, another severe acute respiratory disease that has been transmitted globally. To date, Covid-19 has already infected 350,536 people, including 15,328 individuals who died from the disease. .

Covid-!9 Validated Uncanny Non-Science Based Predictions

The current rate by which the Covid-19 infectious disease has gripped nations with fear, as the rapid spread can only be slowed down by way of massive quarantine measures. Although the outbreak of Covid-19 started in Wuhan, China, the global spread has made Italy the epicenter of the pandemic, for having the most number of cases (59,138) and deaths (5,476.)

As millions of people in countries worldwide have been ordered to stay confined within their homes, many are turning their attention to fictional predictions about infectious diseases. mentioned in books.

Among the popular books mentioned in social media sites is the novel published in 1981, entitled “The Eyes of Darkness” and written by Dean Koontz. Here, the author developed an end-of-the-world story revolving around the transformation of the flu-causing coronavirus into a deadly infectious disease.What is uncanny about Koontz’ fictional prediction is that he named the infectious disease Wuhan-400, after China’s Wuhan province from where the disease had originated.

In 2008, a book written by self-proclaimed psychic Sylvia Brown, entitled “End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World” contained a passage predicting a severe, pneumonia-like illness that will spread worldwide by the year 2020.

Many who believe in astrology, particularly those subscribing to astrology websites like took interest in analyzing quatrains penned by famed French astrologer Notradamus during the mid 15th century. In a book called “Les Propheties,” not a few are inclined to believe that Nostrdamus’s prophecies describe how Covid-19 will hit Italy.

Advantages of Owning a Swimming Area

The idea of owning a swimming pool is actually exciting, especially for families with kids or to people who are swimming athletes. Owning a pool gives a lot of use, not only for entertainment, for sports activities but as well as for health exercises.

Today, let us talk about the advantages of owning your own space for a swimming pool at home. 

Swimming Pools at Home

The swimming pool is perfect in a place with a warm climate, especially if it is outdoor. Pools are ideal for hot summer days when you need a place to sit back and relax. Although pools do require upkeep and maintenance like investing in the best above ground pool vacuum, they also provide homeowners with a number of benefits.

Let’s check this out!

Low-impact exercise

One of the greatest health benefits of swimming pools is that they offer a low-impact way to exercise. Compared to activities like running and jog, swimming only puts 1/4th of a strain on the body.

This means way less pressure on muscles and joints. For this reason, swimming is an excellent alternative for people with arthritis or sore joints

Relives stress

Gazing across the still surface of a pool as the moon casts its glow on the water. There’s something oddly therapeutic about that huh? And that weightless feeling you get as you glide across the surface? Pure bliss. Turns out, swimming has an effect on our brains that reduces stress and anxiety.

Year-round source for recreation

Owning a pool is great, but having to close it when the summer ends is kind of a bummer, right? Well, the good news is, you don’t have to. Keeping your pool open year-round IS more than doable.

If you live in the south or west coasts, a pool heat pump can provide all the heat you need to enjoy comfortable swims. And even if you live in cooler climates, having a pool heat pump can extend your pool season by as much as 6 months.

Provides a Fun Family Activity

Many families struggle to spend time together without the distraction of electronics, such as TVs or smartphones. If your family could use some quality time away from electronics, a pool is a great option. Most electronics will get damaged by water, which means you can have a few hours of playing in the pool without the distraction of phones or TVs.

Eco-friendly Bra for Your Yoga Session

In case you sought after an eco-friendly yoga bra that can make you to have a peace of mind without bothering that your breasts are protected during the whole session, the list below shows eco-friendly selection of yoga bras which can help you to save time for shopping. The good thing about this list is that it provides bras suitable for any physical fitness activities that are made from natural and organic materials. Now, you can have an exercise on an eco-friendly gym with an eco-friendly brassiere.

List of eco-friendly yoga bra

Check the list below for the collection of eco-friendly bra for your yoga session that garner good rating at yoga bra reviews.

1. Racerback Sports Bra by Boody

Providing a daily support during sessions of medium-intensity physical fitness like hiking, Pilates or yoga sessions is the main intension of this bra.

The straps are wide and there is ribbing under the bust area to provide more comfort. From 80% organic bamboo viscose, 17% nylon, and 3% elastane this bra is made naturally. Even though there are chemical solvents being utilized to make fibres from bamboo, Boody Racerback Sports bra is a product that do not contain any toxic substances.
Available colors: black and black with silver stitch
Sizes: Small (S) – Extra Large (XL)
Shipping is available on worldwide locations.

2. Strappy-Back Sports Bra by PACT Apparel

Made using 92% GOTS-certified cotton that is organic, this bra is produced at Fair-Trade conditions. The style is a pullover cross back straps that is wireless and have pads that are removable.
Available colors: black, Marrakesh coal, and burgundy
Size: Extra Small (XS) – Extra Large (XL)
Ships to USA and Canada, but other local international locations are not yet available.

3. Sports Bra by Pansy

Manufactured in California, the materials of this sports bra are 90% organic cotton grown in USA and 10% Spandex. The amount of materials being used are doubled-up to give maximum support during high intensity physical activities.
Available color: Natural, rust, sunflower, and other four color shades
Size: Small (S) – Double Extra Large (XXL)
Shipping is available on worldwide locations.

4. Topanga Bra by Girlfriend Collective

This brassiere product is a combination of sports bra and crop top in one. The design has a high-neck and low back style with criss-cross straps that are adjustable. This style keeps your breasts in place from the beginning up to the end of the yoga session. The Topanga bra is made up of recycled water bottles and Spandex at 79% and 21% level consecutively.
Available colors: Powder blue, toasted apricot, midnight, smoke, and other four shades of color
Size: Extra Small (XS) and Extra Large (XL)
Shipping is within UK, US, Canada, and Australia.

The Drawing Power of Toronto as the 7th Most Livable City Globally

One of Toronto, Canada’s strongest drawing power as an excellent place to live in, is the abundance of urban parks. Totalling 1,600 in all, the city’s entire parkland is equivalent to about 8,000 hectares of municipal-owned green spaces.

Ranked as the 7th most livable city on a global scale, Toronto is a true haven for nature lovers and those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Parks are everywhere throughout the metropolis; including the extensive green space formed by a network of ravines known as the Toronto Ravine System.

A Glimpse of the Toronto Ravine System and Waterways

The Toronto Ravine System is the very reason why many describe the metropolis as “The City Within a Park.” It is home to many rivers and creeks making up the natural waterways of the area.

Although the ravines attract many bikers and hikers, their popularity though is not without consequence. Environmental problems such as pollution and erosion have affected many of the creeks and rivers running throughout the ravinces.

Pollution is being caused by persistent use of the ravines as dumping sites for wastes, even if forbidden by the local government. That is why it is inadvisable to take dips or even wade in many of rivers and creeks as they are quite polluted.

Nonetheless, several of the ravines now have paved paths and well-maintained bridges. Yet the city intends to leave many of its green spaces in their natural state in order to preserve wildlife, as well as curtail the frequent occurrences of erosion.

Just a word of caution though when exploring the untouched areas, since there are no guardrails that explorers can use when climbing steep cliffs or traversing slippery paths; there is always the risk of accidentally falling into the cold and very fast moving waterways.

The Rouge National Urban Park, the Largest Urban Green Space in Canada

Set apart from the numerous urban parklands intended for aesthetic and recreational purposes, is Toronto’s Rouge National Urban Park. Covering an area of 5,000 3 hectares, this park extends into the neighboring communities of Markham and Pickering; making it Canada’s largest urban park.

Managed by Parks Canada (Parcs Canada) a government agency of the Canadian federal government, there is an ongoing initiative to nationalize and expand the Rouge National Urban Park.

Parcs Canada has greatly improved the drawing power of this large urban park by adding more trails, putting up more signage and displays, as well as introduced programmes such as Learn-to-Bike, Learn-to-Hike, Learn-to-Camp and similar complimentary programs for its education and orientation centres.

If you are looking to retire or relocate at Toronto, Canada because of a job offer, you might think twice about it since the city is reputed for its high cost of living.

Still, judging by the way the city government manages its green spaces and natural environment, you and your family will be provided with the best natural and outdoor spaces for a healthy lifestyle. Awesome even is that like in other Canadian provinces, a large part of education in Toronto is publicly funded by all government levels.

Once you start packing, choose a Toronto moving company like The firm is highly reputed for rendering moving services at affordable costs but without sacrificing quality; deploying only highly experienced truck drivers and movers, with insurance coverage to boot.

Making an Eco-Friendly Gym

One of the most talked topics in the present times how people are shifting to natural or eco-friendly products. There is a change of mindset among consumers to go green despite the prices because they are more concerned not only to their well being but also they want to contribute on making the environment greener. The most popular way of going green is by using paper instead of plastics even in high end restaurants and preferring local shopping of items either for household or for business. For the last couple of year 30% of businesses decided to use eco-friendly products.

There are studies showing that Millennials are willing to pay double the price of certain product, item, or service if it promotes green environment. One possible factor of this is that millennials have easy access to information which is why they are well informed to this kind of issues.

Gym is one of those who previously was held by going green initiatives. However, there are gym lovers who are willing to pay higher and gym companies decided to use this as an advantage. With a lot of business right now that have a heart for sustainability, now is the right time to switch to eco friendly products and services those who still are not that decided.

Since there are plenty of gym that switched to being more eco friendly because gym is life to most people especially to those who are weightlifters. If you are planning to achieve a bulk body I suggest your read Ostarine reviews, a safe alternative to steroids.  We listed below a list of eco-friendly gyms all over the world.

  1. Portland has this this mini green gym that is totally about the environment. Gym lovers who are also concern about the environment may try visiting this place. Moreover, they increase the carbon footprint a regular gym produces.
  2. The first ever eco-friendly gym in the world can be found in Terra Hale, London. They do not promote the single use plastic and instead use recycles.
  3. In New York, exists an eco friendly gym that also offer wide range of services. What makes the gym eco friendly is their floors made of rubber and equipments.

How Tankless Water Heater Benefit the Environment and Society

Tankless water heater is very in demand these days because of its environmental and societal impacts. Not only it makes the task of home owners easier by providing easy access to hot water, but it will also contribute to the welfare of the environment. There is a very few number of appliances at home that aims to lessen the carbon footprint and saves energy. Most appliances at home increases carboon footprint. On the other hand, tankless water heater aims to provide homeowners with the following benefits:

Save Mother Earth 

The environments is slowly being at risked because of the increasing number of products that require too much energy such as home appliances that we are consistently using. The problem with users is that they are not that knowledgeable and well informed when it comes to power saving. However, research says that even though people knew about this, they still need to use these devices or appliances as part of their every day living.

The traditional water heater where a hot water will be stored is considered as an inefficient appliance when it comes to saving energy. This is because a water heater uses twice the energy that is being consumed by a tankless water heater since there is a standby heat being consumed at the water heater. Too much use of energy happens when the hot water becomes warm and it won’t be used. The home owner needs to re-heat the water again. Compared to having a tankless water heater, where there will be hot water instantly when you need it. It is advised to immediately switch to tankless water heater here 10hightech.  10hightech provides a list of quality water heater that are affordable.

Helps Save Money 

Once you decide to not use a storage water, then it means that you are helping yourself save a great amount of money. Moreover, you are contributing to the welfare of the environment by decreasing energy waste.

In addition to that, electric tankless water heater is not high maintenance compared to other water heater where you need to regularly clean it to avoid decay.


Benefits of Honey Bee for Skin Scars

Are you aware of what honey bees can offer us? You may not know and some wouldn’t care but our skin is vital. How our skin looks reflect on how healthy we are on the inside.

To have a skin regimen is important too. And there are certain tips for your daily routines that can be done naturally. The goal of having a skincare regimen is to tune up the skin complexion. It depends on what you wish to apply in your skin, but it is best and it is highly recommended to do it in the most natural way.

So, here’s why we introduce to you the awesome facts and benefits of honey bees that could even outweigh the top-performing scar creams list.

The Use of Honey Bee 

The use of honey isn’t so new today.

 Its benefits have been discovered many years back and as our technology is advancing, new discoveries about bees and honey still amaze us until today.

There are so many ways on how to use honey bee as an addition to your skincare routine.  Apart from that, the best thing about it is that it’s very natural and organic. That means it’s very safe and healthy for your skin. 

1 Moisturizes Your Skin

Raw honey has is a natural substance that helps moisturize the skin. It has soothing effects and it hydrates the skin. It leaves your skin really soft, radiant and glowing.

The sugars and nutrients in honey bee act as natural humectants and emollientsWith the use of raw honey, it intensifies the water content and minimizes dryness in the skin even after they have been washed off.

2 Exfoliates And Whitens Skin

Yes! Honey has the power to naturally exfoliate your skin. It removes dead skin cells and rejuvenates the skin. The honey enzymes function as a gentle exfoliator to boost skin radiance and whitens it.

It contains small amounts of gluconic acid and other alpha-hydroxy acids. That’s why it gently removes dead skin cells and brightens the complexion. After the application, it gives your skin the glowing effect, leaving your skin white and healthy-looking.


Exposure to Nature During Childhood Years Yields Better Mental Health Upon Adulthood

Children who had a great deal of exposure to nature during their formative years are likely to develop sound mental health when they reach adulthood. This was the conclusion arrived at by a study conducted by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an investigative research institution supported by Barcelona’s La Caixa Bank.

The recent study boosted previous findings that natural outdoor environment contributes to the development of better mental and physical health in children.

Thd ISGlobal research aimed to determine the impact of nature-exposure in adults. Survey questionnaires were completed by 3,600 adults coming from four (4) major European cities: Barcelona in Spain), Doetinchem in the Netherlands, Kaunas in Lithuania), and lastly, Stoke-on-Trent in the United Kingdom.

The ISGlobal’s analysis of the survey yielded results suggesting that respondents who indicated better mental disposition were exposed to natural environments during their childhood years.

Exposure to nature has long been linked to several health benefits found in children who manifested better learning, and reasoning skills, when compared to children who grew up indoors, often in front of TV and PC screens. In the ISGlobal research, natural spaces referred mostly to green environments such as forests, gardens, urban parks and the like, rather than blue spaces such as rivers, lakes, beaches, etc. :

Aspects Covered by the ISGlobal Survey Questionnaires

The ISGlobal survey determined the frequency by which adults were exposed to natural spaces during their growing up years. As adults, they were also asked about their satisfaction with the greenness of their present surroundings. As corollary evaluation, the mental conditions of the participants were determined through questions about feelings of nervousness and/or depression during the inclusive four past weeks of responding to the survey. In addition, the greenness of the environment in which participants reside was ascertained by way of satellite images.

The results of the ISGlobal study showed that respondents who had limited exposure to natural spaces during their growing up years scored poorly in the mental health assessment tests. Lead author, Myriam Preuss, explained that the general impression elicited from those with less exposure to nature is that they were less concerned about the importance of natural spaces. In terms of physical health, they found no link associating childhood nature exposure to the present vitality of the adult; nor with the adult’s satisfaction in the use of green spaces.

Research and study coordinator Wilma Zijlema of ISGlobal, cited current statistics that seventy-three (73%) of the European population live in urban areas, whilst having limited access to green spaces. Inasmuch as the proportion is estimated to increase to more than eighty percent (80%) by the year 2050, their findings underscore the importance of recognizing the potential effects of limited exposure to natural spaces during a child’s formative years.

The ISGlobal study gives proof that exposing children to green environment contributes to the development of appreciative attitude toward nature and of sustaining a healthy psychological state upon reaching adulthood.